Marilyn Beck's Hollywood

Actor's contract includes gasoline

Paul Sorvino has signed quite a deal for "Cruisin'," a first-of-its-kind deal, according to agent Martin Gage.


Gage reports his client will not only be receiving close to a quarter-of-a-million dollars for the Billy Friedkin picture he'll be getting all the gas he needs to get him back and forth from New York City shooting to his New Jersey home for eight weeks.

According to the agent, "It's the first 'gas deal' a studio's made and it took some doing to get it."

Now all Lorimar Productions has to do is figure a way to honor that deal when Sorvino starts cruising to "Cruisin" work Monday in Manhattan where the gasoline crunch has reached an acute state.

"Cruisin" incidently, stars Al Pacino and will provide a controversial look at Gotham's gay scene, as it centers around a police hunt for a homosexual killer.